John Paul II, Pope (Karol Wojtyla), “Christifideles Laici: Apostolic Exhortation on the Laity,” based on the 1987 World Synod of Bishops, January 30, 1987, Origins 18:35 (Feb. 9, 1989): 561, 653-595.
Paragraph number 25
“In this sense, the recent synod has favored the creation of diocesan pastoral councils as a recourse at opportune times. In fact, on a diocesan level this structure could be the principal form of collaboration, dialogue and discernment as well. The participation of the lay faithful in these councils can broaden resources in consultation and the principle of collaboration and in certain instances also in decision making — if applied in a broad and determined manner.” (no. 25, p. 573)
Paragraph number 27
“The [Second Vatican] council’s mention of examining and solving pastoral problems ‘by general discussion’ [Apostolicam actuositatem, no. 10] ought to find its adequate and structured development through a more convinced, extensive and decided appreciation for ‘parish pastoral councils,’ on which the synod fathers have rightly insisted.(102)” (no. 27, p. 574)
102: Cf. Proposition 10 [of the Synod propositions].