Catholic Hermeneutics: The Theology of Tradition and the Philosophy of Hans-Georg Gadamer
A dissertation by Mark F. Fischer presented to the Faculty of the Graduate Theological Union in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Berkeley, CA, December 12, 1983.
To view the dissertation as a series of PDFs, click below.
Introduction to the Dissertation
Introduction to Part One: Hans-Georg Gadamer and the Decline of Tradition
- I. Tradition v. Unlimited Intellectual Freedom
- II. The Enlightenment’s Critique of Tradition
- III. The Rise of Historicism
- Summary of Part One
Introduction to Part Two: The Philosophical Rehabilitation of Tradition
- IV. Hegel and the Rationality of Tradition
- V. Hegel, Heidegger, and the Consciousness of History
- VI. Heidegger and the Ambiguity of Tradition
- VII. Gadamer and the Idea of Tradition
- Summary of Part Two
Introduction to Part Three: A Reconsideration of the Modern Theology of Tradition
- VIII. Active and Objective Tradition
- IX. Historical and Dogmatic Tradition
- X. The Sufficiency of Tradition and Scripture
- Summary of Part Three
Introduction to Part Four: Catholic Hermeneutics
- XI. Application and the Distinction between Active and Objective Tradition
- XII. Effective History and the Distinction between Historical and Dogmatic Tradition
- XIII. Authority and the Distinction between Formal and Material Sufficiency
- Summary of Part Four
Conclusion to the Dissertation