When the pastor consults the council, he invites the councillors to participate in his apostolate of leading the parish.
Councillors serve by examining, under his direction, some aspect of the parish reality. They reflect on it and offer him their conclusions. To learn more, click on one of the links below:
- Why “consultative”? A pastor consults to better lead the parish community.
- Parish assemblies. At a parish assembly, pastors may be surprised by the talent of new councillors.
- Parish and council. One council helped a pastor create a youth ministry by consulting the parish.
- Parish politics. Councils can help pastors who find themselves between a rock and a hard place.
- Not to consult. Pastors should not consult the council when their minds are already made up.
- Dysfunctional pastors. Councillors should recognize them and exercise their rights.
- Pastor as leader. The good pastor and leader rightly gauges the capacity of the council to share in his apostolate.