For past discussions, please click on the links below.
- Gerald A. Arbuckle, sm, “Build a Life-Giving Parish” (05.23.10).
- Frank Berning, “Parish” and “Pastoral” Councils (08.30.10).
- Ryan Berning, “Voting on Council Decisions” (10.06.12).
- Lynn Clancy, “New Council Guidelines” (03.28.11).
- David DeLambo, “Does the Church equate councils with planning?” (06.01.2010).
- Peter Denio, National Leadership Roundtable on Church Management, “Representation” (03.25.10).
- Elizabeth Driscoll, “PPC Spirituality” (05.08.10).
- Dan R. Ebener, “Servant Leadership Models for Your Parish” (05.06.10).
- Rev. Michael Fones, OP, “Omnes Christifideles” (09.05.10).
- Tom Gallagher interview with Mark F. Fischer on PPCs (05.09.12).
- Maggie Goorksky, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, “Recruiting Councillors” (12.14.11).
- Brenda L. Hermann and James T. Gaston, “Build a Life-Giving Parish” (05.20.10)
- Laurie Hoefling, “PPC Leadership” (05.07.10).
- Rick Krivanka, “Council Purpose and Function,” (01.04.2013).
- Sr. Antoine T. Lawlor, IHM, D. Min., “Pastor Vacancy” (03.15.10).
- Margaret John Kelly, DC, “Servant Leadership” (06.27.11).
- Teresa Mee, Dublin, “Formation Manual” (05.24.11).
- Sr. Rose Pacatte, FSP, “Pastoral Planning” (12.07.09).
- Midwest Pastor, “Full Communion” (05.20.12).
- Judith Smits, “Council Success” (02.02.12).
- Larry C. Spears, “Servant Leadership” (07.07.11).
- James W. Thompson, “Financial Controls” (07.28.11).
- Bobby Vidal, “Separate Pastoral and Lay Councils?” (12.15.10).
- Liz Woodhouse, Westminster Cathedral, Council Effectiveness (08.04.12).
- Charles E. Zech, Mary L. Gautier, Robert J. Miller, and Mary E. Bendyna, RSM, “Best Practices of Catholic Pastoral and Finance Councils” (05.24.10).